PlayOK rankings of players for the week ending 09/01/2022
*1. mrjohnson 🇳🇬 - 2270*
2. er17 🇰🇿 - 2144
3. leprophete 🇧🇯 - 2101
4. akinking 🇳🇬 - 1970
*5. tchayna 🇨🇻 - 1960*
*6. grandmastert 🇦🇬 - 1956*
7. mbabayayo - 1921
8. mathllem - 1915
9. litakuer - 1899
10. motembapembe - 1888
Ranking list for players who played last week ending 09/01/2022
1. mrjohnson 🇳🇬 - 2270
2. akinking 🇳🇬 - 1970
3. tchayna 🇨🇻 - 1960
4. grandmastert 🇦🇬 - 1956
5. oladelefire 🇳🇬 - 1824
6 laladom 🇹🇬 - 1805
7. dsk 🇧🇯- 1769
8. serikaktayev 🇰🇿 - 1743
9. e17 🇰🇿 - 1743
10. kasoniga 🇳🇬 - 1737
The battles of the master & grandmaster players and the excitement generated continues. Players have been taking advantage of the training sessions on offer to develop their game. grandmastert 🇦🇬continues to get much needed practice to fine tune his game.
With the presence of akinking, the top ten of active player list is now has four players from the giant of Afrika, Nigeria 🇳🇬. The master players have been in their battles and training sessions with each other have established an equilibrium of sorts where they are hovering either side of the 2000 mark.
This week saw some change in the upper half of the overall rankings for the top ten positions, with the presence of akinking from Nigeria 🇳🇬. For the active ranking list of players, there were some changes in the bottom half. masterfisz & wkc1342?boty from Poland 🇵🇱 got demoted out. With the continued presence of the orange ranked players the threshold for being included in this list continues to increase.
The dominance of Nigerian 🇳🇬 players in the top ten ranking lists continues unabated. With no sight of players from other countries coming forth to halt this dominance, it looks like this is going to be the status quo for a long time. However, no doubt with time master & grandmaster players from the countries missing in action will appear.